In this paper, we consider extending the first-order language FO by the operator 3COL, corresponding to the problem of deciding whether a graph can be properly coloured using at most three colours, just as FO has, in the past, been extended by the operators DTC, STC, TC, ATC, and HP: in particular, HP is the operator corresponding to the problem of deciding whether a digraph has a directed Hamiltonian path between two distinguished vertices. We find that if the language (FO + pos3COL) has the same expressibility as the (seemingly comparable) language (FO+posHP), then NP= co-NP; perhaps a surprising result given that both the problems HP and 3COL are NP-complete via logspace reductions. We show that the problem 3COL is complete for the complexity class FO1pos3COL (a sub-class of NP) via projection translations, but it is open as to whether FO1pos3COL coincides with NP. We also present general techniques which might be used to show that other languages capture NP and other problems are complete for NP via projection translations.

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