Highly reproducible high critical current density in partial-melt Bi2Sr2CaCu2Oy/Ag tapes fabricated by electrophoretic deposition

Highly c-axis-oriented Bi2Sr2CaCu2Oy/Ag tapes with high critical current density (Jc) were prepared by electrophoretic deposition followed by partial-melt processing. Slow cooling at 0.2 degrees C min-1 from the partial-melt temperature and a subsequent prolonged annealing at 825-830 degrees C resulted in an almost phase-pure highly textured microstructure in the samples fabricated from partly reacted precursor powder. The transport Jc can be improved to 1.7*104 A cm-2 at 77 K, and, at 4.2 K, 3.0*105 A cm-2 (Ic=470 A for a 6 mm wide sample) and 1.3*105 A cm-2 with zero and 15 T applied magnetic induction, respectively. Values of Jc were reproducible to within 10% for samples that experienced the same heat treatment and were of similar thickness.