Dynamics of Norway spruce and silver fir natural regeneration in a mixed stand under uneven-aged management

In a 0.75-ha plot in a Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) – silver fir (Abies alba Miller) stand in Comelico (Italian eastern Alps), we analysed (i) the distribution and growth of natural regeneration of Norway spruce and silver fir as affected by stand structure and (ii) the age structure of all saplings between 0.2 and 10 m in height in a 30-year-old gap. In both species, most natural regeneration was clumped and located at the margin of the gaps; however, fir saplings were more represented in understorey environments and less represented in gaps as compared with spruce. Age structure of natural regeneration in the selected gap revealed that the majority (75%) of saplings appeared after the formation of the gap; however, for regeneration taller than 2 m (which has a better chance of reaching the uppermost canopy layer), saplings already present at gap formation predominated. We conclude that (i) gap edges represent a preferential regeneration niche in this forest and (ii) saplings established before gap formation can play an important role in gap refilling. These results provide useful information to ensure, through silvicultural practices, favourable conditions for the temporal and spatial continuity of the regeneration process.