The complete gravitational disturbing function R=rn* P (s) is developed in the form R=m* a ( )lF,=p(i)F,=h(i*) (e)G,?oJ (e*) a* +0 (n$n )l X cosF(n-2p) + (n- )M- ( -2h)w*- (n-21 j)M*Qrn ( *) j, where the functions F, H, G are polynomials. It is felt that this form is advantageous when it is desired to conserve computer storage space, or to make changes in the terms to be included in the disturbing function, or to include the luni-solar perturbations in the same computation with perturbations due to tesseral har- monic terms of the earth's gravitational field. Also developed is a quasi-potential for the solar radiation- pressure effect for use in equations of motion written in terms of Keplerian elements.