Die Verwendung der Quecksilberelektrode zur Bestimmung der Stabilitätskonstanten von Metallkomplexen

The equilibrium constant of a reaction, in which the ion Hg2+ stays in competition with another metal cation Mv+ for a complexing agent Lλ−, can accurately be determined with the mercury electrode, and from this exchange constant the formation constants of the complexes ML can be obtained. This method is called the pHg‐ method because of its analogy to Bjerrum's pH‐method. In many cases where the pH‐method cannot be applied, the pHg‐method mill give good results. Furthermore, in combining pHg‐ and pH‐measurements the formation constants of protonated complexes MHPL and deprotonated complexes MLn(OH) may be obtained. The new method has been used for the determination of the stability constants of a series of metal complexes of EDTA and other sequestering agents.