States in Odd-OddTl200Populated by the Electron-Capture Decay ofPb200

Low-spin states in Tl200 have been studied via the decay of 21.5-h Pb200, which was prepared by the reactions, Tl203(p, 4n)Pb200, Hg202(τ, 5n)Pb200, and Tl203(τ, 6n)Bi200Pb200. Its γ rays were studied in singles, coincidence, anticoincidence, and Ge(Li)-Ge(Li) two-dimensional (2048 × 2048 channel) coincidence experiments. Nineteen γ transitions have been assigned to the decay of Pb200, and all have been placed in a consistent level scheme, States in Tl200 populated by Pb200 decay lie at 0 (Iπ=2), 147.63 (0-), 257.19 (1-), 289.24 (2-, 1-) 289.92 (1-), 450.56 (1-), 525.54 (1-), and 605.44 keV (1-). Our spin and parity assignments are based on measured conversion coefficients, relative photon intensities, and logft values. The structures of the states are discussed in terms of the coupling of the possible single-particle states in adjacent odd-A nuclei. We also place an upper limit of 1 sec on the half-life of any possible isomeric state in Pb200 itself.