Testing and evaluation of material data for analysis of forming and hardening of boron steel components

Finite element modelling and simulation is becoming an increasingly important tool in the development process for structural automotive components, manufactured using thermo-mechanical forming techniques. Accurate and reliable analysis of coupled thermo-mechanical processes requires efficient simulation tools as well as good quality and relevant material data, usually obtained by experimental testing of the mechanical and thermal properties. The work present in this paper concerns methods for obtaining and evaluating the mechanical properties, required for modelling the high-temperature forming of a high-strength boron-alloyed steel. The material data was obtained from high temperature compression tests and dilatometric measurements made using a Gleeble 1500 thermo-mechanical simulator. Two examples of finite element simulations using the data obtained are also presented. The first example is an isothermal finite element simulation of a thin-walled tubular beam subjected to high-temperature bending. The predicted press force showed acceptable agreement with experimental results in the initial part of the process. In the second example, a cylindrical specimen compressed during continuous cooling was simulated, and the press force and radial displacement were compared with experimental results. Again the simulations showed acceptable agreement with experimental results but indicated the need for further improvements in the simulation technology and methods used for material parameter evaluation.