The Resolving Stroke and Aphasia A Case Study With Computerized Tomography

• A 39-year-old man suffered an intracerebral hemorrhage in the region of the left internal capsule deep to Wernicke's area. The location of the lesion was confirmed by computerized tomography (CT) performed two days postictally. Two weeks after admission, the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (BDAE) disclosed Wernicke's aphasia. We hypothesize that the hematoma exerted pressure on Wernicke's cortical area, thus causing the resulting Wernicke's aphasia at that time. A CT scan three months later showed absorption of the hematoma, with a residual low-density lesion deep to Wernicke's area, in the region of the arcuate fasciculus. At that time, BDAE testing disclosed a mild conduction aphasia. Serial CT scanning combined with discriminating clinical evaluation of aphasia provides a valuable opportunity for study of the processes underlying stroke resolution and aphasia.