Characterization of a chimeric β-lactamase plasmid of Neisseria gonorrhoeae which can function in Escherichia coli

A chimeric β-lactamase encoding plasmid, containing the 4.4 Mdal β-lactamase plasmid and the 2.6 Mdal cryptic plasmid of Neiseria gonorrhoeae has been characterized by physical and biological methods. Digestion with restriction enzymes indicates the presence of the following restriction sites: 1 site: AccI, AvaI, HgiAI, HincII, MstI, PstI, PvuII, XbaI and XorI; 2 sites: HindIII and BamHI; 3 sites: BclI, Sau961 and AvaII; 6 sites: HinfI; >8 sites: AluI, BbvI, DdeI, HhaI, HpaII, MspI, Sau3A, TacI and TaqI. No restriction sites were found for the following: BglI, BglII, BstEII, EcoRI, EcoRII, HpaI, HphII, KpnI, SacI, SalI, SmaI, SstI, SstII, and XhoI. Five plasmid specific proteins have been identified by DNA directed in vitro protein synthesis (43K, 41K, 30K, 16K and 14K). The location on the physical map of the coding regions for each of these proteins has been determined by the following methods: using plasmid DNA restricted by various enzymes in an in vitro protein synthesis system; identifying promoter-containing regions by digesting plasmid DNA with DdeI, adding RNA polymerase and then determining which fragments are retained by nitrocellulose. This plasmid contains both parental phenotypes in that it encodes penicillin resistance and possesses the sequence necessary for uptake in the gonococcus. Transformation data indicate that this plasmid can function in both E. coli and N. gonorrhoeae and that growth in E. coli has no effect on the plasmid's ability to transform the gonococcus.