Isolation and characterization of Caenorhabditis elegans DNA sequences homologous to the v-abl oncogene.

DNA sequences homologous to the v-abl oncogene were isolated from a Caenorhabditis elegans genomic library by their ability to hybridize with a v-src probe. The DNA sequence of 2465 nucleotides of one clone was determined. This region corresponds to the 5' protein kinase domain of v-abl plus approximately equal to 375 base pairs toward the 3' end. Four potential introns were identified. The homology between the deduced amino acid sequence of the C. elegans clone and that of the 1.2-kilobase-pair protein kinase region of v-abl is 62%. The tyrosine residue corresponding to the tyrosine that is phosphorylated in the v-src protein is conserved in the C. elegans sequence. When 95 amino acids around this tyrosine were compared with the corresponding sequences of Drosophila c-abl, v-abl, and v-src, the identities were 83%, 79%, and 56%, respectively. Hybridization of the cloned DNA with C. elegans poly(A)+ RNA revealed a major transcript of 4.4 kilobases.