Limits on the abundance and coupling of cosmic axions at 4.5<ma<5.0 μeV

We report preliminary results from a search for galactic axions in the frequency range 1.09<fa<1.22 GHz. For an axion linewidth Γa≤200 Hz we obtain the experimental limit (gaγγ/ma )2 ρa<1.4×1041. The theoretical prediction is (gaγγ/ma )2 ρa=3.9×1044 with ρa=300 MeV/cm3. We have also searched for the presence of a continuous spectrum of light pseudoscalar particles; if we assume that the above ρa is contained between the upper and lower frequencies of our search, then we find that gaγγ<2×1030 MeV1/2 cm3/21011 GeV1.

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