Development of Infection Resistant Polyurethane Biomaterials Using Textile Dyeing Technology

Infection is a major complication when using biomaterials such as polyurethane in the clinical setting. The purpose of this study was to develop a novel infection resistant polyurethane biomaterial using textile dyeing technology. This procedure results in incorporation of the antibiotic into the polymer, resulting in a slow, sustained release of antibiotic from the material over time, without the use of exogenous binder agents. Polycarbonate based urethanes were synthesized that contained either a non-ionic (bdPU) or anionic (cPU) chain extender within the polymer backbone and cast into films. The fluoroquinolone antibiotic ciprofloxacin (Cipro) was applied to bdPU and cPU using textile dyeing technology, with Cipro uptake determined by absorbance reduction of the "dyebath." These dyed bdPU/cPU samples were then evaluated for prolonged Cipro release and antimicrobial activity by means of spectrophotometric and zone of inhibition assays, respectively. Cipro release and antimicrobial activity by dyed cPU segments that were aggressively washed persisted over 9 days, compared with dyed bdPU and dipped cPU control segments that lasted < 24 hours. Dyed cPU segments, which remained in a static wash solution, maintained antimicrobial activity for 11 days (length of study), whereas controls again lost antimicrobial activity within 24 hours. Thus, application of Cipro to the cPU polymer by means of dyeing technology results in a slow sustained release of antibiotic with persistent bacteriocidal properties over extended periods of time.