The “missing link”: A 4-day period transiting exoplanet around OGLE-TR-111

We report the discovery of a transiting hot Jupiter around OGLE-TR-111, from our radial velocity follow-up of OGLE transiting candidates in Carina. The planet has a mass of MJ and a radius of RJ. Three transiting exoplanets have already been found among OGLE candidates, all with periods near 1.5 days. The planet presented here, with days, is the first exoplanet detected by transits with the characteristics of a “normal” hot Jupiter, as found in abundance by radial velocity surveys. The radius of OGLE-TR-111b and the scarcity of hot Jupiters detected among OGLE transit candidates tend to indicate that the case of HD 209458b, with a radius of 1.4 RJ, is exceptional, with most hot Jupiters being smaller.
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