Intracranial astrocytoma with diffuse bone marrow metastasis: a case report and review of the literature

A 41 year old male presented with headache, lethargy, and ataxia and found to have a left temporal lobe mass and a leukoerythroblastic peripheral blood smear. The latter prompted an iliac crest bone marrow biopsy on which a diagnosis of metastatic glioma was made and verified by immunohistologic characterization. The patient was treated with cranial irradiation and simultaneous systemic BCNU (bis-dichloroethylnitrosurea) with complete response. This case with diffuse bone marrow involvement demonstrates that a glioblastoma is capable of extracranial metastases without previous intervention. From a review of reported cases of gliomas of extraneural metastasis, it is concluded that untreated gliomas are capable of vascular spread although less frequently than previously manipulated tumors.