Megavolt heavy ion injector for a tandem accelerator

A sputter ion source, Hiconex Model 833, is mounted in the terminal of the Notre-Dame ± 4MV electrostatic accelerator. The terminal contains a gridded einzel lens, an accelerating gap for external beam focus, and a 9° electrostatic deflector which prevents neutral caesium atoms from reaching the accelerating tube. Source parameters are observed through a 16 channel modulated light beam telemetry system. The existing terminal voltage stabilizing system which controls belt charge and tank liner voltage was modified for improved response to the generating voltmeter. A new generating voltmeter circuit which has no inherent frequency limitation has been developed and is functionning. Magnetic and electrostatic analysis of the accelerated negative ion beam provide mass resolution of 1.4 % (measured) and energy resolution of 0.1 % (calculated). Electrostatic steering and focusing elements transport the analyzed beam through 34 meters and a 123° deflection for injection into an FN Tandem. In early testing at 2MeV, an analyzed beam of 4 μA of 12C was obtained. We have also measured 50 nA of 11B, completely resolved from the 10B component and also from a large 12C contaminant beam

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