The influence of one DNA region on the stability of an adjoining region (telestability) was examined. Melting curves of three block DNA's, d(C15A15)·d(T15G15), d(C20A15)·d(T15G20), and d(C20A10)·d(T10G20) were analyzed in terms of the nearest neighbor Ising model. Comparisons of predicted and experimental curves were made in 0.01 M and 0.1 M sodium ion solutions. The nearest neighbor formalism was also employed to analyze block DNA transition in the presence of actinomycin, a G·C specific molecule. The results show that nearest neighbor base‐pair interaction cannot predict the melting curves of the block DNA's. Adjustments in theoretical parameters to account for phosphate repulsion assuming a B conformation throughout the DNA's do not alter this conclusion. Changes in the theoretical parameters, which provide good overall agreement, are consistent with a substantial stabilization of the A·T region nearest the G·C block. The melting temperature T A·T for the average A·T pari in d(C20A10)·d(T10G20), with 10 A·T pairs, appears to be 4°C greater than TA·T for d(C15A15)·d(T15G15) and d(C20A15)·d(T15G20), both with 15 A·T pairs. Actinomycin bound to the G·C end effectively stabilizes the A·T end by 9°C. These results indicate a long‐range contribution to the interactions governing DNA stability. A possible mechanism for these interactions will be discussed.