Distribution of blood group antigen H in hunan buccal epithelium of secretors and non-secretors

– The distribution of blood group antigen H in human buccal epithelim was examine in 22 individuals, 16 secretors and six non-secretors of blood group antigens in the saliva. An extract of Ulex individuals, 16 secretors and six non-secretors of blood group antiens in the saliva. An extract of Ulex europeus was used as marker of blood group antigen H in a triple laer immunofluorsecence technique. The cell membranes of the spinous cell layer stained positively in all individuals, whereas the basal cells reacted negatively. Secretors and non-secretors had similar distributions of blood group antigen H in the buccal epithelium. However, a significantly higher amont of blood group antigen H was found in secretors than in non-secretors. The study indicates that an extract of Ulex europeus is a valuable marker for blood group antigen H in studying the distribution of this antigen in oral epithelium.