The arrangement and structure of sinus hair muscles in the snout of the shrew, Sorex unguiculatus, were studied by electron microscopy and serial section light microscopy. Both striated and smooth muscles are directly associated with sinus hair follicles. The striated muscle fibers originate from the base of a follicle and insert onto the superficial portion of adjoining caudally positioned follicles. Some fibers insert into the corium instead of inserting into a follicle. The fibers show a fine structure typical of red fibers. Smooth muscle cells form a network with elastic fibers beneath the corium. Some cells are directly attached to the capsule of the sinus, thus forming a type of M. arrector pili. Striated muscle fibers that appear to end in the corium are connected with the smooth muscle network through the elastic fibers which appear to function as the tendon of these two types of muscle cell.