Newt lung ciliated cell models: Effect of MgATP on beat frequency and waveforms

Highly coupled newt lung ciliated cell models were used to study the effects of MgATP concentration on ciliary beat frequency and waveform. Models were prepared from ciliated lung cells of the newt Taricha granulosa by trypsin dissociation of the epithelium, demembranation with Triton X-100, and reactivation with MgATP, as described previously [Weaver and Hard, 1985]. Beat frequencies were measured stroboscopically. Ciliary waveforms of reactivated models and intact mucociliary epithelial sheets were determined by single frame analysis of high-speed movies. Waveform parameters calculated included the durations of the effective and recovery strokes, the angular velocities of the ciliary base and tip, the position of the bend along the ciliary shaft during the recovery stroke, the velocity of recovery stroke bend propagation, and the ratio of the duration of recovery stroke bend propagation to the duration of the recovery stroke itself. We found that beat frequency varied biphasically in response to MgATP at 21°C, as shown previously for isolated, individual, newt lung axonemes. Apparent Fmax (maximum beat frequency) and Km values of 25 Hz and 0.14 mM, and 35 Hz and 0.47 mM, respectively, were obtained for each linear segment of the biphasic double reciprocal plot. Demembranation did not alter either ciliary waveform or the pattern of coordination. In this system, metachrony is antilaeoplectic and ciliary waveform appears to be regulated independent of beat frequency.