Control and Stabilization of bit-wise phase correlation in 160 (4 x 40) Gbit/s OTDM signal and its impact on transmission

Detail of control technique of bit-wise phase correlation in 160 (4×40) Gbit/s optical time division multiplexing (OTDM) signal using a phase-correlation monitor based on 1-bit delay asymmetric interferometers (AIFs) is described. The 1-bit delay AIF transforms a bit-by-bit optical phase discontinuity to an optical power variation, so that it enables to quantify the phase-jump between adjacent bits. By use of this unique technique, we experimentally demonstrated stable generation of bitwisely phase-controlled 160 Gbit/s periodical alternate-phase return-to-Zero (APRZ) signal in addition to other different modulation formats such as conventional RZ, carrier suppressed RZ (CS-RZ), pair-wise alternate-phase CSRZ (PAP-CSRZ) and π/2-APRZ. And long term stability was observed with CS-RZ signal. Also, we show some experimental results of 120 km unrepeatered transmission using standard single mode fiber (SSMF) and then discuss the impact of bit-wise phase change on 160 Gbit/s OTDM transmission performance.