The Electronic Admittance of a C.W. Magnetron Oscillator†

The space-chargo cloud of a magnetron can be represented by an ‘ electronic admittance ’ placod across the terminals of a lumped-constant, equivalent of the tube's r.f. circuit. If this electronic admittance can be measured, many otherwise-baffling performance characteristics (such as operation into a frequency-sensitive load) can bo explained. In the past, great labour was involved in making electronic-admittance measurements and the results exhibited a high degree of experimental error. This report presents a now measurement, method which is both rapid and accurate. The method is applied to the Raytheon QEv582, an X-batid, C.W., 200-watt magnetron. The measurements cover a wide range of operation. The results show that tho electronic suscoptance ( the imaginary part of the electronic admittance) is always positive ( eapacitive) It varies strongly with r.f. voltage, but is (surprisingly) nearly independent, of anode current.

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