
Findings from molecular genetic and cytogenetic investigations suggest that mutations in suppressor genes play a key role in osteosarcoma pathogenesis. RB and p53 are frequently involved and are speculated to be indispensable components. Alterations in putative suppressor genes on chromosomes 18q and 3q additionally may be involved in various patterns. The high resolution of magnetic resonance imaging in osteosarcoma imaging is confirmed, and the validity of dynamic gadolinium-enhanced imaging for estimation of tumor response is stated. The efficacy of single-drug high-dose methotrexate convincingly is shown to be 19%. Phase II trials with nonspecific immunostimulation using a synthetic liposomal mycobacterium-derived antigen (liposomal muramyl tripeptide phosphatidylethanolamine) do not yet allow us to draw conclusions on eventual efficacy. A novel and promising approach may be intervention in the endocrine or orthocrine and paracrine tumor growth regulation. Hypophysectomy in mice dramatically reduced plasma or insulin-like growth factor and local as well as systemic growth of transplanted osteosarcoma. The close interrelation between tumor response, surgical margins, and local control is demonstrated, as well as the fatal prognosis after local failure. Also, the validity of known risk factors in patients undergoing intensive chemotherapy has been confirmed. Interestingly, dose intensity was not found to influence prognosis.