Prognostic significance of right ventricular dysfunction in patients with acute inferior myocardial infarction and right ventricular involvement

Little is known about the influence of right ventricular (RV) dysfunction on prognosis of patients with acute inferior myocardial infarction (IMI) and RV involvement. Therefore, 99 consecutive patients (mean age 56.6 ± 3.4 years) with RV involvement during acute IMI were followed for a 12-month period to clarify the influence of acute RV dysfunction on short- and long-term survivals. Forty-one patients with IMI evolved with severe arterial hypotension due to RV dysfunction, while 58 patients had no hemodynamic impairment due to RV involvement. Basal hemodynamic data (mean ± SD) for patients with RV dysfunction were blood pressure (BP) 92/59 ± 22/20 mmHg, systemic vascular resistance (SVR) 2314 ± 252 dynes·s·cm−5, and cardiac index (CI) 1.3 ± 0.31/min/m2. Patients without RV dysfunction demonstrated BP 113/74 ± 20/16 mmHg (p≤0.05), SVR 1324 ± 354 dynes·s·cm−5 (p≤0.01), and CI 2.6 ± 0.5 1/min/m2 (p≤0.05). Angiographic differences noted were that hemodynamically compromised patients showed lower RV ejection fractions (0.27 ± 0.08) than patients without hemodynamic disturbance [0.41 ± 0.11 (p≤0.05)]; however, left ventricular ejection fractions were 0.48 ± 0.10 and 0.52 ± 0.12, respectively. Short- and long-term mortality rates were assessed during the follow-up period. Patients with hemodynamic impairment due to RV infarction had a higher mortality rate for the first month and for 11 subsequent months post MI than patients without hemodynamic impairment, that is, 24.4 vs. 6.9 and 14.6 (p≤0.05) vs. 3.4% (p≤0.05), respectively. These data suggest that decreased RV ejection fraction possibly is linked with significantly reduced short- and long-term survival in patients with RV involvement during acute IMI.