Dispersion Relations and Asymptotic Behavior of the Veneziano Partial-Wave Amplitude in the ComplexsPlane

The asymptotic behavior of the Veneziano partial-wave I=1 amplitude Vl(s) for ππ scattering is studied in the complex s plane for physical l values. The ρf0 exchange-degenerate trajectory is of the form α(s)=as+b. For b<1 and 3b+4amπ21, it is shown that, asymptotically, Vl(s)o(sb1). Under the same conditions, the resonance partial widths for fixed l have the property ΓsRo(sRb32). The discontinuity of Vl(s) across the left-hand cut oscillates, and if b<1, then, asymptotically, disc Vl(s)o(s2b4amπ2). In the case 2amπ2<b<1, disc Vl(s)0 as s and Vl(s)0 as |s| and Vl(s) can be written in the form of unsubtracted partial-wave dispersion relations, i.e., as an integral along the left-hand cut plus the sum of an infinite number of poles along the right-hand real axis. Thus for the particular case of the ρ-trajectory (b12,a1 BeV2), an unsubtracted dispersion relation can be written.