Galecron-14C (N'-(4-Chloro-o-tol yl)-N,N-Dimethylformamidine) Metabolism in the Dog and Goat1

When Galecron® was given orally to the dog and goat, it was rapidly absorbed, metabolized, and excreted. In addition to Galecron, N'--(4-chloro-o-tolyl)-N-methylfor, mamidine, N-formyl-4-chloro-o-toluidine, 4-chloro-o-toluidime, 5-chloroanthranilic acid, and N-formyl-5-chloroanthranilic acid, along with several unknown metabolites, were detected in the urine from the 2 species both in the “free” and conjugated form. However, dog urine contained a larger number of Galecron metabolites than did goat urine. N-Fonnyl-4-chloro-o-toluidine was the predominant Galecron metabolite in dog bile. Only low levels of Galecron-14C equivalents were present in dog and goat feces. Galecron was not stored in dog tissues or eliminated in goat milk to any appreciable extent.