βdecay ofTcg102

The Tcg102 activity has been obtained by chemical separation of the parent nucleus Mo102 from an UO2(NO3)·26 H2O sample, irradiated with 20-MeV bremsstrahlung. Four successive Ge(Li) spectra were measured. Several new γ rays were found and the energy values and relative intensities of the known γ lines are compared to the existing data. Levels at 0, 475.07, 943.65, 1103.15, 1580.83, and 1837.10 keV were found to be fed in the β decay of Tcg102. Based on the well-known, spectrometrically determined, yield for mass 102 in the thermal neutron fission of U235 the absolute intensity for the 475.0 keV γ ray has been determined. A value of (6.25±1.0)% was found. Also the absolute intensities of the other observed γ lines could be obtained. Intensities for all β branches and corresponding logft values were calculated. The results differ considerably from those given in the literature. The systematics of the energy spectra of the doubly even Ru isotopes in the mass region 94<A<110 are discussed. The total potential energy surface for quadrupole deformation is calculated. Energy spectra for Ru102 are calculated within the interacting boson model and also treating cubic anharmonicities in perturbation theory. They are compared with the experimental results.

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