Waterfowl Exposure to Lead and Steel Shot on Selected Hunting Areas

Gizzards and wingbones from immature mallards (Anas platyrhynchos), pintails (Anas acuta), black ducks (Anas rubripes) and Canada geese (Branta canadensis) were collected from 12 national and state hunting areas during the hunting season of 1974-75. The gizzards were examined for the occurrence of Pb and steel shot and the wingbones were analyzed for Pb residues. Incidence of Pb shot in gizzards ranged from 1.3% in mallards from Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge to 29% in pintails from Sauvie Island Wildlife Management Area. Pb in wingbones ranged from trace residues (< 0.5 ppm) to 345 ppm. The incidence of steel shot in gizzards surpassed Pb shot on some refuges that have had mandatory steel shot programs. There was a significant correlation between frequency of Pb shot in gizzards and Pb residues in wingbones.

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