The normal-superconducting phase boundary for a thin-film microcylinder was measured in a magnetic field H making an angle θ with the cylinder's axis. The depression of the transition temperature for small values of transverse field Ht was proportional to Ht2 as predicted by Tinkham, and equaled the predicted magnitude. At larger values of Ht there was a sudden discontinuity of slope in the Tc-vs-H2 curve at a critical value of the transverse field Htc. This discontinuity in slope apparently corresponds to a change from a superconducting state with uniform field penetration in the transverse direction to one with a single row of transverse vortices, the transverse-angular-momentum quantum number of the carriers changing from 0 to 1. A peculiar splitting of the flux-quantization resistance maxima was observed in the neighborhood of Htc and qualitatively explained.