Observation of Nonlinear Electrical Transport at the Onset of a Peierls Transition in an Organic Conductor

The b-axis conductivity was measured as a function of the electric field E for temperatures T>34 K in the one-dimensional organic conductor TTF-TCNQ (tetrathiafulvalene-tetracyano-quinodimethane). Deviations from Ohm's law, with a threshold field ET, have been observed for T<60 K. ET reaches a minimum of 0.25 V/cm just below the onset of the 54-K Peierls transition before increasing to 6.4 V/cm at 34 K. The results are discussed in terms of the depinning of the charge-density-wave condensate at high fields; the interaction between the two types of chains in TTF-TCNQ is included.