Effect of Growth on Redistribution of Some Mineral Elements in Peppermint

Radioauto-graphic techniques were used to determine the long term distribution patterns of C45, S35, Zn65, Cl236, and Co60. Each element maintained a specific distribution pattern throughout the experiment. The type of feeding technique used enabled one to follow both the upward and downward movement of the element in question over a long period of time. The Ca in the older mature leaves is immobile while some of the Ca remains free in the transport tissues and is able to be redistributed in an upward direction. Ca is only very slightly mobile in a downward direction in the plant. Sulphur is accumulated more evenly in the meso-phyll region of the leaves. Also, S in the older mature leaves seems immobile while the free S within the transport tissues is mobile in both an upward and downward direction. Zn accumulates primarily in stem tissue, petiole tissue, and vein tissue. The redistribution of Zn occurs throughout the plants studied; it appears to come from the free Zn within the plant. The Zn in the older mature leaves remained immobile. Cl2 was shown to have a definite downward redistribution as growth proceeds. Unlike the other elements studied the redistributed CI2 came from older leaves. Areas of Co accumulation are the margin of the tips of the leaves. No other areas of accumulation. Co is completely mobile within the plant. The elements S, Zn, Cl2, and Co have all shown circulation types of movement while this type of movement is questionable with regard to Ca.