Whole blood aggregometry and platelet adenine nucleotides during cardiac surgery

The influence of extracorporeal circulation (ECC) on human platelet adenine nucleotides has been studied in 28 coronary bypass patients before, during and after operation. An oscillating pattern of transient increases and decreases in total platelet ATP was observed following the sternotomy until the end of the operation. A highly significant increase in platelet ATP (20%±14 of the pre-anaesthesia values) occurred during the first 24 h after surgery. Total platelet ADP however, did not show this oscillation nor was there any significant release of ADP from the platelets during ECC. Following collagen activation, increased amounts of ‘releaseable ATP’ were found after protaminization (124%±38 of pre-anaesthesia values) (p<0.05), although whole blood aggregability was slightly reduced (89%±18 of pre-anaesthesia values). This study indicates that 1) the metabolic ATP pool of circulating platelets underwent rapid changes during open heart surgery; 2) the majority of platelets did not release inert ADP during ECC; 3) there may be a compensatory enhancement of platelet function by other blood cells, which could explain the discrepancy between our aggregatory results in whole blood and those reported in platelet rich plasma (PRP) aggregometry.