The 7S RNA Common to Oncornaviruses and Normal Cells is Associated with Polyribosomes

The 7S RNA species first demonstrated in avian and murine oncornaviruses and later in normal, uninfected cells is found associated in part with cellular polyribosomes. A molar ratio of 7S RNA to 5S ribosomal RNA of 0.05 indicates that there is approximately one mole of 7S RNA per mole of messenger RNA. Dissociation of polyribosomes with dimethylsulfoxide results in a marked decrease in the sedimentation rate of the 7S RNA. The dimethylsulfoxide-induced dissociation of polyribosomes and the concomitant movement of the 7S RNA from the polyribosome region into lighter regions of a sucrose gradient are both inhibited by cycloheximide, indicating that the 7S RNA is indeed associated with polyribosomes and not with a ribonucleoprotein particle sedimenting with polyribosomes.