Intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography with isotonic dimeric (iodixanol) and monomeric (iohexol) nonionic contrast media: radiographic, clinical and neurophysiological evaluation

Monomeric (iohexol 300 mg I/ml) and dimeric (iodixanol 270 mg I/ml) nonionic contrast media were compared in a double-blind, randomised, parallel group trial. Safety and efficacy of the media in intra-arterial cerebral digital subtraction angiography were evaluated by assessing adverse events, discomfort, EEG, heart rate and quality of radiodiagnostic information. Seventy-six patients underwent selective injection of the carotid and/or vertebral arteries. Both contrast media were well tolerated. No serious adverse events occurred. No effects on heart rate and EEG were evident. The arteriograms were of high quality and overall diagnostic information was optimal in 94% of the examinations. No clinically important differences between the two contrast media were found.