Genetic analysis workshop IV: Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus - summary

The Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM) study was one of the topics of Genetic Analysis Workshop IV (GAW IV) discussed October 7 - 8 at a pre-workshop meeting and presented October 9, 1985 at the American Society of Human Genetics meeting in Salt Lake City. The aim of the study was to have different groups analyze an identical body of real data in order to compare their analytical methods and the results based on their different approaches. This summary describes the available datasets and presents the main results of the nine participating groups. The detailed descriptions of analytical methods and results are presented in the individual papers following this overview. Although differing analytical methods were used there were no discrepancies regarding the interpretation of the data. Whereas the presented gametic associations were well established before, the real gain of this workshop was the unanimous result that the recessive 2-allele-model with incomplete penetrance had to be rejected and at least a 3-allele-model with differing susceptibility alleles and differing penetrances for heterozygotes and homozygotes had to be postulated for the transmission of IDDM.