Specific Complement-Fixing Diagnostic Antigens for Neurotropic Viral Diseases

Summary and Conclusions: A method has been described for the preparation of complement-fixing antigens for eastern and western equine encephalomyelitis and St. Louis and Japanese B encephalitis viruses. Extraction of the antigens in the lyophilized state with benzene, toluene or dichlor-ethylene, renders them specific without producing any appreciable adverse effect upon the antigenicity. The antigens are specific in that they fix complement only in the presence of their homologous immune sera and do not give rise to false positive reactions with human syphilitic or malarial sera when the method of Kolmer and Boerner is employed. The antigens so prepared are quite stable and non-infectious. The method of preparation is a simple one and apparently can be used for the preparation of antigens from various tissues shown to be rich in either viruses or rickettsiae.