Complete differentiation of adipocyte precursors

Evidence for the complete morphological maturation of precursor cells into adipocytes in vitro is presented. Cells were isolated from the stromal fraction of adipose tissue from adult humans and from rats and were grown in culture. Abdominal skin fibroblasts were used as controls. All cell strains were initially fusiform and replicated. On reaching monolayer confluency, they were transferred to an enriched growth medium in which the human and rat adipocyte precursors differentiated into a homogeneous population of cells, morphologically indistinguishable from mature adipocytes. In contrast, skin fibroblasts from the same person or animal, and grown under identical culture conditions, did not accumulate lipid and retained their fusiform contour. The same results were obtained in the first six subcultures that were studied. Thus, there is firm evidence that fat tissue of adult humans and rats contains adipocyte precursors that differentiate into mature fat cells. The culture system that has been described will facilitate the elucidation of the factors involved in replication and differentiation of adipocyte precursors.