Gestörte alpha2-Adrenozeptorfunktion bei Hämodialysepatienten mit renaler Anämie — eine mögliche Ursache der Blutdrucksteigerung unter rekombinantem humanem Erythropoietin?

Nine patients on maintenance hemodialysis and transfusion-demanding renal anemia (group A) were treated with rHuEPO 120 IU/kg i.v. three times per week. Hemoglobin-content was raised from 7.2±0.9 to 10.4±0.8 g/dl. In all patients blood pressure rose, three patients developed arterial hypertension. Mean diastoloic blood pressure was 66±12 and 78±16 mmHg (pp2-adrenoceptor-density (from 574±76 to 384±49;p2-adrenoceptors (574±76 vs. 218±32;p2-receptor-function with the result of abolished receptor down-regulation and impaired vascular reagibility to vasoconstricting stimuli. With the correction of anemia receptor-function improves, receptor down-regulation as well as vascular reagibility is re-established resulting in augmented vascular resistance and higher blood pressure.