Papillary cystic neoplasm of the pancreas: Radiological and pathological characteristics in 11 cases

Clinical charts, radiological features, macroscopic and microscopic findings, and clinical follow-up data were retrospectively reviewed in 11 patients with papillary cystic neoplasm of the pancreas (PCNP). The patients were nine women and two men, aged from 13 to 51 years with a mean age of 25 years. The greatest diameter of the PCNPs ranged from 2·5 cm to 14·0 cm with a mean size of 7·5 cm. Six tumours were located in the tail of the pancreas, two in the body and three in the head. Most patients complained of abdominal pain or a mass. Ultrasonographic and/or computed tomography findings showed five solid, four mixed (solid and cystic) and two cystic types of tumour. Angiographically, PCNP was either a hypovascular or mild hypervascular mass with a displacement of the surrounding vessels. No vascular encasement was seen. Macroscopically all 11 tumours consisted of a well defined solid mass with degenerative change of various widths, including haemorrhage, necrosis or dystrophic calcification, and were represented by three radiological types of PCNP. The 11 patients with PCNP survived for from 3 to 253 months after curative resection without any signs of local recurrence or remote metastasis. PCNP usually affects the distal portion of the pancreas of young women. Despite its huge size, PCNP should be explored with aggressive surgical intent because of the inherently good prognosis.
Funding Information
  • The Federation of National Public Service and Affiliated Personnel Mutual Aid Associations, Tokyo, Japan
  • The Ministry of Health and Welfare, Japan