1. The degradation of a swede (Brussica nupusL., cv. Danestone) diet anterior to the terminal ileum was studied in two pigs fitted with T-shaped cannulas 150 mm before the ileo-caecal junction. Digestibility was calculated with reference to chromic oxide and polyethylene glycol.2. In addition to the total loss of free glucose and fructose, there were substantial modifications to cell-wall material recovered in digesta. These included the apparent loss of 46–50% of uronic acid residues, 72–78% of phenolic material and 10–24% of cellulose initially present in the feed, and a partial solubilization of some hemicellulose components.3. Since ‘fibre’ recovered at the terminal ileum differed in a number of important respects from ingested fibre, a number of methods for the analysis of dietary fibre were examined to establish (1) the extent to which analysis of feed represented material recovered at the terminal ileum and (2) whether such methods could be applied directly to digesta samples. Results were compared with a complete analysis of water-soluble (620 g/kg dry matter) and water-insoluble (380 g/kg dry matter) fractions of feed.4. Chemical fractionation techniques gave more reliable quantitative estimates of fibre than in vitro enzymic digestion methods which overestimated fibre. Acid- and neutral-detergent methods both gave too low an estimate of fibre. As none of the methods could allow for the loss of components (particularly pectic polysaccharides) found by sampling at the terminal ileum, none gave an accurate qualitative or quantitative representation of fibre at this point in the gut.5. It is suggested that, as vegetable fibre recovered at the terminal ileum has already undergone partial hydrolysis, a more dynamic model of dietary fibre, in which the action of gut micro-organisms is considered, may be required to establish possible physiological roles of fibre or fibre components in the digestive tract. Recovery of digesta from sites of interest may be the only way of reliably estimating fibre or specific fibre components at different levels of the gut. This approach to dietary fibre may be impractical when applied directly to humans but the digestive tract of the pig may be a suitable alternative model.