Lipids in the proximal convoluted tubule of the cat kidney and the reabsorption of cholesterol

Lipid deposits in the cat kidney are mainly located in the epithelium of the proximal tubuli contorti, particularly in the pars contorta. As the amount of fatty acids in the blood of renal arteries is higher than in renal veins, the lipid inclusions are likely to be formed in the proximal convoluted tubule. Whether fat occurring in the urine has been released from the nephron epithelium and the mode of this release remains obscure. The structural equivalent of lipid extrusion into the tubules has not been observed. Components of the tubular lipids include triglycerides, phosphoglycerides and cholesterol. The results of the digitonin-cholesterol reaction favour the assumption that cholesterol is eliminated in the glomeruli and pinocytotically reabsorbed by the brush border cells, this process possibly serving recycling of this compound. The dilated basal labyrinth and intercellular space contain perpendicularly oriented lipid accumulations that reach the basal lamina. The ultrastructure of the lipid storing cells of pars contorta reacting positively for phosphoglyceride and cholesterol is characterised mainly by bodies with marginal plates. As far as can be judged from their morphology, these bodies are interpreted as large peroxisomes. A special feature of the pars recta are dumbbell shaped bodies and elongated or cup-like mitochondria concentrically surrounding cytoplasmic areas, as well as a well-developed smooth ER. In what way the organelles of the brush border cells are involved in catabolic and anabolic processes as far as renal lipid metabolism is concerned remains to be answered.