A Quantitative Comparison of Antibody Produced by X-Radiated and Normal Rabbits.

The radiation dose of 400 r administered to rabbits prior to or near the time of immunization was used to interfere with the early radiosensitive phase of the production of antibody against 1131 labelled bovine serum albumin and bovine gamma globulin. 800 r was given after the injection of 1131-labelled protein to allow a study of the antibody formed in animals showing maximal radiation injury. With neither 400 r nor 800 r was there demonstrable alteration in the character of the serum antibody as detd. by quantitative immunochemical technics. The animals receiving 800 r had the greatest part of their lymphoid and hematopoietic tissues destroyed yet they synthesized normal amts. of antibody which did not differ immunochemically from antibody produced by non-radiated rabbits.