Identification of Retinoyl Complexes as the Autofluorescent Component of the Neuronal Storage Material in Batten Disease

Cytosomes filled with intensely fluorescent material in the form of curvilinear bodies were isolated by density gradient centrifugation followed by pronase digestion from the cerebral cortex of a child who had died at age 7 from the late infantile form of Batten disease. Forty-three percent of the dry weight of the storage material was extracted by a mixture of chloroform and methanol, leaving a waterinsoluble amorphous fluorescent residue. Infrared spectroscopy, proton magnetic resonance spectrscopy, and mass spectrometry of this residue strongly suggested the presence of retinoyl polyenes linked to a small peptide. Base hydrolysis and methanolysis yielded retinoic acid and methyl retinoate, respectively. Ozonolysis yielded a product derived from the substituted cyclohexenyl ring of vitamin A. The results indicate that the fluorescent component of the neuronal storage material is a retinoyl complex and is not derived from peroxidized polyunsatured fatty acids as previously thought.