Clonidine Versus Long- and Short-Term Methadone-Aided Withdrawal from Opiates. An Uncontrolled Comparison

Twelve heroin addicts and one methadone addicts began withdrawal from street opiates, under clonidine cover, in a general psychiatric ward. Ten (80%) of them completed it within 6 days. Clonidine doses used were lower than in similar studies and all patients were alert and mobile throughout withdrawal. Two other groups of opiate addicts, of similar age and sex, were withdrawn on standard methadone regimens. Clonidine and methadone withdrawal had similar acceptability and attrition rates. Self-reports of subjective discomfort were higher in the clonidine group without affecting compliance with treatment. Withdrawal under clonidine cover deserves further study, in view of the need for postwithdrawal treatment to prevent relapse to opiate use.