Alcohol-ether extracts of various algae were examined by the capillary method. Ulva lactuca, Enteromorpha intestinalis, Dilsea edulis, and Calothrix scopulorum are rich in chlorophyllase, but Nemalion multifidum, Ceramium rubrum, Polysiphonia violacea, Fucus vesiculosus, Laminaria digitata, and Pylaiella litoralis are all poor in the enzyme. Myxorhodin is used for phycoxanthin to avoid confusion with fucoxanthin. There are 2 modifications of myxorhodin, [alpha] and [beta]; the color band of the latter turns green with dilute HC1, while the former shows no change. Two membrane pigments were extracted from Calothrix scopulorum: fuscorhodin and fuscochlorin. The color band of fuscorhodin (red-brown) turns green when treated with 20% HC1, while the black-brown band of fuscochlorin changes but little. Fucoxanthin also has 2 modifications, [alpha] and [beta], the [beta] showing a yellow band 1-2 mm. above the yellow-brown [alpha] band. Green algae and higher plants contain the same pigments (carotin, phyllorhodin, xanthophyll, and phylloxanthin), while the red algae lack phylloxanthin. All algae contain carotin. In addition Cyanophyceae have kalorhodin and myxorhodin a and [beta]. Brown algae contain, as do diatoms, xanthophyll, phylloxanthin, and fucoxanthin [alpha] and [beta]. The Peridineae have phylloxanthin and perid-inin. Three modifications of the red pigment haem-atochrome, [alpha], [beta], and [gamma], not found in the green plants, were extracted from Euglena. All the algal pigments have 2 absorption bands in the spectrum in contrast with 1 for haematochrome.

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