Successes, failures, early complications and their management following endoscopic sphincterotomy: Results in 394 consecutive patients from a single centre

The indications and results of 394 endoscopic sphincterotomies (ES) performed over a 6 year period from a single centre are described. The indications for ES were common bile duct (CBD) calculi (81 per cent), papillary stenosis (9 per cent), periampullary tumours, insertion of endoprostheses, sump syndrome and biliary dilatation for benign strictures. ES was achieved in 98 per cent of patients. In the calculus group the CBD was cleared of stones in 93·3 per cent following a successful ES (92 per cent overall success rate for CBD clearance). Early complications (⩽ 1 month) occurred in 41 patients (10-4 per cent) of which haemorrhage accounted for nearly half. Emergency surgery following ES was undertaken in 15 patients (3·8 per cent). There were 13 deaths within one month of ES (3·3 per cent) of which three were directly attributable to ES (0·8 per cent). The diagnosis and management of complications following ES is important with increasing numbers of patients being treated from outside the referral centre.