Purpose: Patients with progressive or recurrent supratentorial high-grade gliomas were entered into a multicentre phase II trial to evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of temozolomide. Methods: The treatment schedule was 150–200 mg/m2 per day orally for 5 days repeated every 28 days. Response evaluation was by a combination of neurological status evaluation (MRC scale) and imaging. Results: Of 103 eligible patients enrolled, 11 (11%) achieved an objective response and a further 48 (47%) had stable disease. The median response duration was 4.6 months. Response rates were similar for anaplastic astrocytomas (grade III) and glioblastoma multiforme (grade IV) tumours. Predictable myelosuppression was the major toxicity. Conclusions: The observation of objective responses and tolerable side effects in this heterogeneous population of patients supports the further investigation of this agent in high-grade gliomas.