Further Studies on Mechanism of Auricular Fibrillation.

Auricular fibrillation was initiated in dogs under nembutal anesthesia by faradic stimulation of the auricle, by rhythmic rapid stimulation with induction shocks and by topical application of acetylcholine. In 24 out of 27 expts. the authors suc-ceeded in stopping the fibrillation by cooling simultaneously the sinus node and the A-V nodes. Cooling of the sinus node alone did not alter the fibrillation this is in contrast to fibrillation caused by topical application of aconitine which is always stopped by cooling the focus of application. When the cooling is discontinued, fibrillation immediately starts again. These results are not compatible with a circus movement. It must be assumed that in the aconitine fibrillation one focus of stimulus formation, and in the fibrillation studied in this paper more than one such focus, is active.

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