We present a phenomenological constraint on a long-range spin-dependent interaction $\alpha${}$'${}$'${}(s1\ifmmode\cdot\else\textperiodcentered\fi{}s2)e-$\lambda${}r/r, which can be induced by a pseudovector light boson beyond the standard model. In the range of masses from 4\,\,keV/c2 to those related to macroscopic distances ($\lambda${}-1$\sim${}1\,\,cm) the spin-dependent coupling constant $\alpha${}$'${}$'${} of the electron-muon interaction is constrained at the level below a part in 1015. The constraint is weakened if extended to higher masses. The strongest constraint is related to the lepton-lepton interaction. Constraints on spin-dependent interactions of an electron with some other particles are also discussed. The results are obtained from data on the hyperfine splitting (HFS) interval of the ground state in muonium and a few other light hydrogenlike atoms.