Simulated expansion of an ultra-cold, neutral plasma

The details of recent calculations of the expansion of ultra-cold, neutral plasmas are given. The calculations are performed at several levels. The simplest level assumes an ansatz for the form of the electron and ion density; the result is a simple, ordinary differential equation which can be easily solved. The medium level of sophistication assumes the electrons are in thermal equilibrium but does not assume a particular form for the ion density; the result is a partial differential equation which is solved numerically. For the highest level of sophistication, a Monte Carlo technique is used to solve for the electron phase space distribution and solve for the ion motion in the resulting mean field. All levels of simulation include three body recombination and electron-Rydberg scattering. This paper contains the results of our simulations and compares them to measurements made on ultra-cold plasmas. Three body recombination is found to be important at very low temperatures since it is a heating mechanism for the electron gas. The collisions between cold electrons and Rydberg atoms are another important source of electron heating and de-excitation of atoms formed in the plasma. The evolution of the distribution of atoms in the plasma is simulated and several counter-intuitive effects that have been observed can be explained. Our simulations show that the plasma coupling constant does not become larger than ∼1/5 for the reported experiments. The behavior of plasma processes are investigated, e.g., ion acoustic waves, spike formation, and electron evaporation. The evolution of a cold Rydberg gas into a plasma is also simulated but certain properties of our simulation do not agree with measurements.