Large numbers of cold metastable helium atoms in a magneto-optical trap

We report loading of 1.5×109 metastable triplet helium atoms in a large magneto-optical trap, using far-red-detuned laser beams. We fully characterized this trap by measuring trap losses and absorption of a probe beam. From the highly nonexponential trap decay we derive Penning ionization loss rate coefficients for two detunings: 5.3(9)×109cm3/s at 35MHz and 3.7(6)×109cm3/s at 44MHz. Also, we find that the loss rate is maximum at 5MHz detuning, where the rate is 1.3(3)×108cm3/s, much larger than recent theoretical and experimental values. In the absence of light the SS ionization rate constant is measured to be 1.3(2)×1010cm3/s.